Yeah Yeah
Things are picking up. I think the past week was bad because of an acute caffeine withdrawal. It's funny how I'm getting so interested in this surgery and I'm told I need to lose some weight before I have it done. I'm already reorienting my thinking too. I am cutting down on caffeine not because I don't need it but because I won't be drinking pop anymore. Getting into that mindset wasn't tough for some reason, it was just happening. Another thing that I've found myself doing is no longer stopping at the fast food restaurants after work. Now if only I could stop going before work, that would be great. For some reason I keep thinking I need to eat big for breakfast, and I usually don't have time in the morning to make it. Sometimes I don't even have time to visit the King or the clown, but I still do. It is something that disappoints me right up until I hand over the cash. But then the food tastes good and I forget why I was angry.
I need to stop that.
Anywho, things are going pretty good. I talked to Gary on Friday regarding the website I'm making. I'd like to think I'm making progress, although I admit I felt like I was going to an exam without studying at all. I don't want to let him down! The great thing is I got plenty of content, and with my burgeoning knowledge of CSS, I'll have the page done in no time. As long as Goob is there to help me. Oh Great Goober King, Web guru and savior, I beseech thee!
We'll see how that goes. All in all, I'm 200% better than last week. Thanks to some warm and fuzzy time with my friends and sister, I'm ready to roll.
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