Weekly Update


1. Church this week wasn't too bad, but the sermon was disjointed. The substitute pastor had many lessons but he didn't tie them all together at the end as neatly as I would have hoped. He's not bad but could be better.
2. Federal taxes are completed, so I'm just waiting for the check. I think this year though I'm gonna fix it so I don't give so much to the government as an interest free loan. The state taxes will be completed once I visit Dad on Wednesday.
3. I'm digging my US Government class, simply because so many of my fellow students are Constitutionalists. There are a few who don't know much at all about our government and so their points of view are based on false information but I hope my posts are informative and help them learn.
4. While the idea of working part time and doing student teaching seems doable, I still have to convince my employer to let me work part time. I like the company but there seems to be a possibility that they won't allow me to work part time. I'm still waiting for more information but I have several contingency plans formulating as I type.
5. I've always lamented Valentine's Day, sometimes calling it Singles Awareness Day, but I think this year it's going to be different. I'm actually looking forward to it. &#59;)

Oh yeah, there's a 6. in here too. I've been going without my CPAP machine for the last three days, and it's going pretty well! This morning I woke up before my alarm clock and I feel rested and alert.

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