Thursdays And Beyond


I missed Wednesday's update so I'll double up today.

1. I got a call from Adelphia to set up an interview!
2. Subsequent to that interview, I am hired as a new technical support rep!
3. I can fit in my old dress shirt again!
4. My last exam was on Wednesday, and I did really well on it(I hope)
5. I got a high grade on my lab practical too! :D
6. What's great about being hired at Adelphia is that I start work on Monday. No interrupt in money flow.
7. I also get discounted cable tv/internet for 10 bucks a month :D
8. My diet is proceeding along quite well. I'm very happy with my efforts.
9. I only hope I can keep school at the same time as work. Should be interesting to figure out.
10. My faith in God has brought me from shadow into the light. I continue to pray, even with all these great things happening, because He has given me much for which to be thankful. THANK YOU BIG GUY! ^_^b

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