The Long, Long Road


The Long, Long Road

It's been more than a week after my surgery, and I meant to update much sooner, but without my computer it's really tough to sit down and write out an entry. I've been using my dad's computer for my limited access to the internet and it's neither comfortable nor always available.

However, I have my laptop back and it's running at a cool 31ÂșC. Hopefully the issue is resolved, but I won't know 100% until I get back home and run the server on it.


The surgery was quite a success. I don't think I've ever done anything like it, nor do I ever want to again. Soon after I was prepped and had an IV put in, it became very busy. I don't remember them telling me they put in the anesthesia, and the last thing I remember was the doctor saying, "Did anyone shave his belly yet? Get his belly shaved." The next thing I knew, I was awake, a huge weight on my chest, and the pain... oh my the pain. That night was marked by a few moments of coherency, I only vaguely remember my dad and stepmom there, but eventually they left. I had several hours to rest and sometime the next day they started getting me out of bed to walk around, something important to prevent blood clots.

The next few days were all about this process- Sleep, wake up, walk around, sit up for a while, sleep, wake up, etc. They started to let me eat ice chips soon after I was walking around, but I rarely had any. In fact I would not feel like eating until I was at home for a couple days. I did what the nurses told me and didn't argue. Thankfully, with the surgery on Monday, I ended up leaving Thursday, and by then I was walking a couple loops around the area. They booted me out soon after. I made a few friends while I was there though, and surprisingly, I did get a phone number :)

Once I got home, it was impossible to drink anything. I was eager to start healing but for every few sips I'd feel very full. A while later I'd feel very hungry. Sip a few, full again, painfully full. It was difficult to determine which one I was, and it wasn't until Sunday that I learned which one it was. Thankfully, this was also when I could start drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast. My current diet includes Instant Breakfast, sugar-free jello, sugar-free coolaid, apple juice, chicken/beef broth, and water. Most of these liquids go down easy and smooth now with no problem, so I'm hoping to move forward soon too. I won't know if I can until November 7th, when I visit my doctor again.

What am I doing now? I've been bored out of my mind. I can walk to the end of the block and back but I do get dizzy. I've been drinking liquid Loratab and I'm thinking of giving it up, as I don't think I need it. I'm told it can be addicting too so that's another reason. I don't know if I'll be driving anytime soon so I'm still stuck at home, but at least I have my digital distraction back :)

Things are looking up, I just wish I could move faster to something more substantial in the diet department, but I will follow my doctor's instructions and do things the right way for now. I'd like to thank everyone who prayed for me and who were thinking of me during this time. I pulled through and it's only gonna get better from here :D

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