The Great Battle


Am I exercising? Check.
Am I eating less than before? For the most part, check.
Am I eating healthy? I have no idea. :(

That's my current issue on the road to losing weight. Since Chicago I've managed to keep active and eat less, but I'm not very good at eating the right stuff. In fact, I'm not even sure I am eating less. I find myself buying food at McDonald's(which is a strict no-no) and not even realize what I've done until I've pulled out of the drive-thru. So I've talked to my step-mom about this and about easier ways to plan out meals and snacks. I asked about Nutrisystem and other programs that plan out your meals for you, and ship you the food. I wasn't too big on the cost($300 for a month of food with Nutrisystem) so my step-mom suggested Healthy Choice dinners. I'll end up spending more money on that than I would normally, but they're not as expensive as Nutrisystem. I think I'm going to start doing those instead of this random attempt at buying healthy food.

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