The Ongoing ordeal


Day 2: Tests

I'm lying in bed, with a machine pumping blood thinner(heparin) and antibiotics into me. Try as I might, but I kept waking due to a delirium nightmare running through my head. Mind you, delirium sucks. I was not able to focus on sleeping at all. I have a fever of 104, I'm sweating bullets, and my mind just couldn't get through the repeating nightmare. I was the leader of some tribe, and they all wanted to collect parts of a space ship together to escape(my infected body, no doubt). I knew that if they assembled the ship and left, I'd die, so my duty was to prevent my tribe from assembling the ship. This dream went on for hours and I couldn't break out of it. That is, until 6am, when I was brought back to consciousness by the morning nurse. She informed me that I needed to have some tests done. I was given time to eat breakfast before I went downstairs to the radiology department.

Let me tell you there was no better breakfast: Has browns, bacon, scrambled eggs, french toast & syrup, milk and cereal. And grapes. It was a feast and I gobbled it down. Soon after I was carted away. They decided to run a sonogram on my leg. Yeah, that thing they use to see babies in the womb? Same thing. They had to use some sort of hot gel on my leg as they scanned. I could tell the lady didn't enjoy the experience any more than I did. Thankfully it didn't last much more than 30 minutes, and I was carted back upstairs where I tried to sleep once again. Much of the rest of this day was lost to the nightmares.

Day 3: Relief and a neighbor.
It was Wednesday and I had an idea. My temperature was still bouncing between 104 and 101, and the doctor believes it was today when I contracted the pneumonia. What I was doing I don't remember, but I do remember delicious food. That's something about this hospital. They treated meals like ordering from a restaurant. A small touch but much appreciated. And the food was good. In any case my idea was to get a fan blowing on me to help stop the sweating. The nurses obliged and soon I was cooling off. I was still delirious but now I was able to do so without a bucket of sweat on my body. It was about now when I got the neighbor, who had some respiratory problem. He was cold so he didn't like the fan, but instead of asking me to turn it off they moved him to another room. Go figure. Again, much of this remaining day was lost to delirium, and I slept.

While I do remember many people showing up during this time, most of all my brothers, father, and sister, I don't remember all that happened. Their company was still nonetheless appreciated.

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