Small Effort


It might not happen right away, but I'd like to move this blog back to a daily blog again. I've decided to go back to the roots, the one I started back on Live Journal, where I write something everything even if it's a few sentences. It may take some time for me to get up to speed but that's the goal.

Things are going good these holidays. I've make it a goal to spread some cheer where ever I go and it seems to be working. My peers at work aren't so loathe to see someone happy, and my friends also seem to be happier these days too.

I finished the Christmas cards I intended to make. I couldn't make one for everyone as it's time consuming(and for some people I got gifts instead). Money was tight this year but I got gifts that weren't too expensive but were hopefully meaningful.

Work is pretty fun - we decorated our cubicles and my ideas were used. We made the supervisor's cube into a house and make the cubicle row into a snowy forest with Looney Toons characters in the mix. It looks great. Hopefully my team won. We also had our Christmas luncheon and I enjoyed a roast beef dinner with corn and mashed potatoes, and some pie! I can't believe I ate as much as I did without too much trouble. Granted it took me the whole hour of lunch to do so and it was probably a third of everyone else's helpings, but it was delicious and worth it. I even took some of it home. :9

I made friends with a new employee. She's friendly, smiles a lot, and she walked over to my cube to say goodnight before she left(her shift ends sooner than mine). It was cute and I hope to get to know her better.

I accomplished a great deal this weekend. I finished my Christmas shopping, did the dishes, laundry, and also got everything set for the Christmas party this coming weekend. I also started the next set of lessons of the financial class. This is so fascinating I can't wait to keep going.

That's all I can force out of my brain right now, but I'm sure I'll have more in the times to come.

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