Progress Bar
In order to keep my friends and family informed, I decided to put up a progress bar on the right hand side of my page here. I'll keep it updated and everyone can keep track of where I am in this stage of my life. I'll briefly explain each stage.
The first step was the Physical performed by the office of Dr. DiBenedetto. That was on Tuesday the 16th. It gave me a clear path towards getting ready, as I explained in the previous post.
The next step, Candidate, is where I am at currently. During the next five weeks I'll need to complete a meeting with a dietitian, an psychological examination, and bloodwork that pertains the the surgery. So far I have appointments for the first two, and I only need to walk in for the third. During this time and also after approval, I will need to lose weight. I'm planning on doing the Slim Fast diet.
Once all that information has been gathered, I will meet with Dr. DiBenedetto again and he will submit my information for Approval to my insurance. Dr. DiBenedetto anticipates easy approval and has worked with Univera, and is apparently good friends with them.
Once I am Approved, I will be scheduled for Surgery. While I was told to expect to wait 6 to 7 months from now until that happens, I am hoping for sooner. Understand that while I didn't rush to this decision, I do wish to have it done as soon as possible, now that I have made up my mind.
After that, I will begin the Recovery process. After I am out of the hospital, I'll consume mainly a liquid diet, followed by puréed food, then soft foods, and eventually normal foods. Sometime during this period I'll also return to work- it won't be immediate but thankfully my job isn't very physically demanding. I will consider myself out of Recovery once I have returned to work and can eat normal foods again. After that, ongoing weight loss will be fast and effective. I plan on exercising more too once I've reached a less painful weight.
My final Target is 200lbs. I'm 530lbs now, so that's 330lbs of weight to lose. That's my goal and I won't stop until I've reached it. Wish me luck
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