One of 'those' moments


My computer is still overheating, and I cannot play a video game for more than 15 minutes before it reaches 110ºC, the point at which the computer locks up and crashes. I don't know how to fix it, so once I save up I'm going to take it in for some expert care. At least I can get my game on using Dave's computer, which runs fine.

Which brought me to my current situation. Today I had my pre-operative meeting with the hospital, where they ran a bunch of tests, asked me some questions and basically got me ready for the operation. The night before, while I was at work and I had a few moments to think, I was craving steak. I knew I couldn't have any at that point and then I realized I might not have steak for a very long time... It was then I had one of those "What the hell am I doing?" moments. You know, that feeling that you are in a situation and you don't really know why? I'm about to have someone rearrange my guts and I'm going to have to give up big meals for the rest of my life. The moment passed quickly, and I assured myself that this is for the best and I'll be thankful that I did it.

I'm going through with this, and I'm not going to stop. God willing, I'll come out on top.

Also, I'm down to 474lbs. :D

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