I am made of meat


A quick update on the spam- in order to combat it I have locked all past posts that are not on the main page. This should help cut down on the spam and keep it limited if it shows up again.

I received a letter from my pastor at my church in Wyoming, NY. Apparently she is engaged to be married. I'm very excited for her, too. I never admitted it to anyone before but I had a crush on her when I first met her. I'm sure the lucky guy is wonderful and perfect for her. I mean, he's marrying a pastor, how much better can you get?

I also recently emailed one of my former coaches. He wasn't a teacher at my old high school so it took a little bit of internet snooping to find him. I was trying to sleep late one night and it came back to me just how much he influenced my life. It was fantastic that I was able to get a hold of him. He taught me a lot about toughness an discipline and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for football and his guidance. He thanked me for my kind words and since he's still coaching football for another school, I hope to visit him in the fall for one of his games.

Well that's enough of that. Got a big weekend planned- Doing chores! Yay!

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