Hip, Hip, Huzzah!


The past week has been pretty amazing. Dave came home from Japan for his vacation and we met up at Dave & Busters. It's like Chuck E. Cheese's but for adults. We chatted for a bit, played some games(which I won an awesome travel-Connect 4 and a slinky), and it was great seeing him again. I also got to meet the lovely Atsuko, who was either impressed or amused by the few Japanese phrases I could remember.

The real fun of the week was yesterday, when we visited Cinco De Mayo, an awesome restaurant with Mexican fare, and then moseyed across the border to Medieval Times! It was an awesome show and I enjoyed it, but I think I might have enjoyed it more if I was 20 years younger. If you're curious as to what it really is, imagine being seated in an amphitheater with countertop tables in front of you, and in the center space about the size of a hockey rink a story unfolds that involves knights on horseback, a king and a princess, and lots of choreographed fighting and unchoreographed jousting. When the actors know what they're doing, it looks fantastic! It was one of Dave's favorite things to do and I was so glad to have joined him in it. It really was impressive and definitely worth the money to go there. I apologize for the quality of the pictures, it was difficult with the poor lighting. I only wish I had more shots of the jousting, which was awesome.

I was glad that Dave convinced Calvin not to buy the swords from the armory there(yes they had real weapons). I couldn't give Calvin enough information because I didn't know, but I was really glad Calvin didn't waste his money.

Sunday was somewhat anti-climatic. I went shopping, I cleaned part of the bathroom, and I did a single load of laundry, and several loads of dishes. Hurray! At least Goob and I managed some crafting of the war-type stuff.

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