Good News!


Couple of awesome things just happened. First, I finally purchased an epic kodo beast for my warrior in World of Warcraft. Thanks to all those suckers buying up my farmed items! I can now cruise around Azeroth at twice the speed of normal walking. Hurray for intangible and meaningless video game goals!

Second, I just had my checkup with the surgeon. He was quite satisfied with the fact that I've lost 15lbs(I'm 515lbs now :D) in 5 weeks, and also that I did all my visitations with the other doctors in time and all the information was gathered. He will be sending the approval today and I get to see him in 5 weeks. He also stated that I can expect the surgery to happen sometime in May. This puts me in a good position to make the AW Reunion in July. If not I should at least be recovered to have a trip to Rhode Island.

Things are looking up!

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