Good news!
I've got some good news all around. My plan on using the tv dinners to keep track of my carbohydrates is working very well. Supplimenting a few veggies during the day also helps keep me from feeling too hungry. I'm quite happy how it's working.
Also, a while back I took my grandfather's hat to a hat-maker here in Buffalo. Gary White, the owner and custom hatter, told me it was irrepairable and that a path wouldn't last very long. I got it into my mind to as him if he could replicate the hat itself. Over the next hour or so he explained to me the process, as well as the history of my grandfather's hat, and that he could replicate it perfectly. He told me the price, $350. At first I afraid of the price, but I realized that this hat would be an heirloom, and it was just like my grandather's hat. My grandma and aunt both commented how much I looked like my grandfather, and with the hat the resemblance was uncanny. I decided that I needed hat, and even though it was $350(equilavent to two bonuses at work), it was worth the price.
What I didn't realize how much I'd come to like the guy. Today I visited him to have my hat fitted. Out of curiosity, I asked him how much an Indiana Jones hat for my size would cost. He quoted $500, because it's style and the amount of material he would use. That pretty much took that out of my mind. After that though, he asked me what if I knew anyone who would spruce up his website. Many places quoted him quadruple-digit prices and he wasn't too happy. To him the webpage is not much more than an information site. He doesn't want anything fancy. I told him I knew a couple people, but I'm not too knowledgeable(I know html, but beyond that not much else). And he told me that if I did it, he'd make the Indiana hat and pay me to boot. I was shocked... and I wanted to accept... but I wasn't very confident of my skills at the time. I talked to him some more and told him I'll think about it and call him back. So the past several hours and talking to Goob about it, I believe I can do it. I know I can do it.
Wish me luck.
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