Going south


I've been applying for jobs down south for the next school year. As I mentioned before, I've been looking at Virginia and North Carolina. I've sent in a few applications for Virginia districts, and more recently a few for North Carolina. Imagine my surprise when I discovered how easy it is to apply for NC teaching certification. Virginia's process is much more involved and I would have to take some more tests, but North Carolina showed me the paperwork and that's all I need. Why is it so easy? Because I have NYS certification and they will take everything as a direct transfer. How sweet is that?

So I don't have the job yet, but the application was sent on Friday. I hope to get a call back soon so that I may begin applying directly to the schools(VA and NC have their school districts arranged by county). Things are looking very bright for me and I can't wait to start doing the thing I was born to do.

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