Getting Close


Sorry for the lack of updates- I feel like I'm holding my breath these days, just waiting for everything to go forward. I haven't weighed myself since last week but I'm sure I've lost a few more pounds. The surgeon's office called today and asked me if I completed the necessary appointments, and I have. The dietitian and psychologist have not sent in their reports but the office would call them up for me and find out. Here's hoping things go smoothly!

I talked to Gary today as well and told him about the progress on his website. You can get a taste of it located here. The ultimate design is finished, but the content is not. I plan on getting the hard pages done this weekend. He seemed quite excited about it even though he wasn't able to actually see it. He told me he would call me again with his thoughts and with more content to put up. I can't wait to see it finished.

I'm going to get back to holding my breath waiting for things to happen!

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