Christmas comes Early


Man! What an awesome Christmas. My family's tradition as always been a party with the extended family on Christmas Eve, and another gift exchange on Christmas morning. However, things have changed as we all get older and have schedules to work around. This year, Christmas came early and we celebrated it today. In the morning, we exchanged gifts with the immediate family, and in the afternoon it was the extended family. While spending time with the family was gift enough, I did get quite a few gifts to sweeten the day. I asked for mostly practical items, and that's what I got. I got a box of kitchen utensils, including spoons, knives, and several other necessary items. I also got a large chef's knife, which will be very handy. My stepsister was thinking of me and got me a box of sugar-free chocolate- much appreciated! And my parents also got me Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Later in the day I also picked up a crock pot that's far more advanced than my current one, and a beautiful stainless steel pot which will make cooking small portions of food much easier.

The meal was superb- roast beef and laid-back turkey, and various other dishes. My ambrosia fruit salad was once again a hit, and there wasn't much left of what I brought. All in all, it was a delicious party :9. My Uncle Ron had some news for us as well regarding his wood recycling business. Earlier this year he purchased the business he was working for for several years. It was in debt but he saw how to make it profitable and it was worth the risk. This is his first winter and business is typically slow during this time and he was having a hard time finding money to get through it. However, he managed to secure it and it looks like things are going to be going really well. I am very glad for my uncle and I know he'll succeed.

Arriving home I chatted with Dave for a bit while I put away my gifts and goodies from the party, I found out he had gotten me a Christmas gift as well. He had gotten me a coffee maker and some Timmy Ho's coffee. I'm not really a coffee fan but I drink it for the caffeine. I knew I had a coffee habit but I didn't have to admit it because I didn't have a coffee maker to prove it. Well, now I do... but at least I'll have fresh coffee in the morning.

In other news, I found out Goob picked up Portal, only the finest video games to come out of 2007. Now if only he'd also purchase Team Fortress 2.

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