1. No caller of the day today, but I do have to mention: I kept my call time under 10 minutes up until lunch
2. Did some shopping, got some necessary stuff, like Drano. Damn bathtub's all clogged.
3. Had some more adventuring in WoW. Also joined a guild and these guys are pretty cool too.
4. :-9 Pizza for dinner.
5. Another satisfying day.
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Tuesday Tune In
1. Caller of the day goes to my very last caller. He called in earlier trying to get his email. Apparently his account falls under a bug that won't let him log in. Its widespread but doesn't happen to everyone. He was informed of this. However, he called back in(me) to tell us his wife could log in, but he could not, and he wanted access to his email now. I told him it is part of an outage and they're still working on it, and the best thing he can do right now is give it some time. This of course was unacceptable because his wife could get access and he couldn't. Apparently I was treating him unfairly and wouldn't give him access to his email.
This is the first stupid caller I've ever had, and somewhat funny.
2. Awesome driving next to Niagara River. Makes me long for Narragansett Bay
3. Got to see an awesome light-show on the way home too. Tons of lightning striking, lighting up the world and clouds... but not a sound from it.
4. My dad gave me a framed picture of a Rhino as a teacher, with a butterfly student giving him an apple. For those of you who do not know the significance of this, I will tell you. My nickname in high school was Rhino. I want to be a teacher. My mom's favorite creatures were butterflies. To find all of these in an amusing picture is quite the coincidence, and I will cherish it forever.
5. The thunderstorm north of me willing, I will be playing WoW tonight. w00t.
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Loading program... Monday
1. Good stuff today at work! Had some angry folks, some happy folks, its all good now.
2. Glad my shift is 1pm to 9:30pm- much better surviving the day.
3. I love World of Warcraft. I am so addicted.
4. Dave got me to go to a bar for karaoke night. It was pretty fun if not for one guy hogging the thing.
5. I'm satisfied with today. Good to have that feeling at the end of the day.
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Weekend Fantastic
1. First off, AWESOME Retro Lunch! I had 8 listeners for quite a while. Even got MorLi to tune in
2. I also played a game a chess with MorLi and won I don't know what it is but sometimes she is very intimidating heheh.
3. Had an awesome belly-filling picnic at my Uncle Ron's. We ate, we partied, and we got to set off some fireworkshave fun with the bonfire.
4. Did some shopping today. Feels good to have full cupboards again
5. I also purchased World of Warcraft. Let the addiction begin!
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Dude...its Friday, man
1. Caller of the day goes to a guy from Florida. I spent 50 minutes with him trying to get him to log into his email. It wasn't his fault. We tried everything, we walked through each step, even every letter, and still he couldn't log in. I managed to log into it, but he still couldn't. My time and ideas ran out, so I transferred to the next level... only to find out it was a simple answer of an email login outage in his area. Geesh. But at least the guy was patient and willing to hang on to get it fixed.
3. Goober Zone was fantastic! We invaded Fibbles, probably the most psychedelically weird world in Activeworlds.
4. And with that, I also got my citizenship back in AW
5. A lady from Sao Poalo, Brazil messaged me on Skype. I decided to humor her and we chatted a little bit. She doesn't speak English very well, but she can write it good enough. I've decided to be her friend.
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Thursday Thursday
1. I couldn't decide who got caller of the day. There was one lady whose computer had driver issues(She was using windows 98) and insisted that my company get her a new computer. There was also one guy who was having slow speeds and thought he'd impress me with using really large words. Didn't work mind you, but I followed procedure without too much trouble.
2. Lunch was kinda big, but very satisfying. Cheeseburger macaroni :-9
3. My cat was all over me when I got home, and I'm not sure why. Its tough to get her to cuddle for any length of time, but today she just wanted to be held and petted.
4. Digigurl got home today- no more exams for her! Congrats to her on finishing the 10th grade.
5. I DJ'd for an hour an a half, playing my favorite dance/trance songs. The first half hour though it was just me typing! No one told me ;_; But once I got listeners, I had 3 for the rest of the night. I'm liking this idea
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Feels like Thursday... but its not :(
1. Excellent day at work. I did have one very angry customer, and after talking to her calmly, and got her to address the problem instead of screaming at me, I troubleshooted the problem and managed to get someone out there to fix it for her. I also credited her a month of internet too and I tell you the change in people's moods are amazing when you throw money at them. She earns the Caller of the Day award.
2. Had a delicious assorted sub from Stevie V's for lunch :-9 Best place for food in town.
3. I've got a nice group to work with, we goofed off the last hour of the shift instead of completing our ethics training hehe
4. It was good to get home and just turn on the AC, set the fan in my direction, and relax.
5. Chatted with Goob while trying to fix my sound card settings so I can have someone on the show. No dice, but at least Goob and I got some good conversation going. Honestly, I miss our college days
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Newest Action/Adventure FPS Role Playing Game: JR vs. The Zombies
I'm walking in Tonawanda, when suddenly the sky grows dark and a vast thunderstorm strikes. I'm walking over the Youngs Street bridge when this occurs. I start noticing people changing. Faces start to flake and puff up. Skin tone turns to a pale beige color as people turn into some sort of zombie. It is hard to describe what they look like. Imagine someone with 100 layers of paint on their face, and most of it starts to peel. and bubble. I find this rather frightening. I come across a woman, though I do not recognize who she is. She tells the way to escape is to sit underneath a storm cloud, and use the two rings she had in unison. She was wearing one ring- a rather plain silver looking ring- but the other, which looked a lot like my class ring from High School was still off her finger in her hand. She looked at me with a worried face as people around me turned into zombies. She then placed the second ring on her finger, and she vanished in much the same way a hobbit disappears when using the One Ring. Suddenly a pop sounds out and both rings fall to the ground. I pick them up and start scanning for a nearby storm cloud.
I pick them up. I look around and all around there is destruction. Buildings on fire, cars crashed in the street. I have the feeling that these flaking zombies are dangerous but none of them attack me. I continue to look for a storm cloud. Just then a friend of mine from the training at work shows up, running to me. He is clearly upset at the events going on, and is pretty nervous. I explain to him that I know how to escape but I'm wary of how to do it. He points to the Youngs Street Bridge and suggests we try jumping across the broken section. I look at him and then look at the gap in the bridge. A rather dubious claim, to be able to jump it. I tell him I'd probably not make it, but he tries to do it himself. He runs, jumps, and only manages to catch the edge. I watch as he tries to pull himself up but he falls uselessly into the Tonawanda River. Can't say I didn't warn him.
I move on westward when I see a storm cloud thundering on the other side of the river. I am joined by a few normal humans whom I do not recognize. They instantly acknowledge me as the leader of the group. I am not attacked right away by any zombie(could it be the power of the rings?), but some of the members of my entourage do get attacked- and they are easily fought off. The crud zombies are stretchy- you can punch them but their bodies stretch to ease the blow. A trick one of my followers learned is to grab an incoming arm with one hand, hold the chest with the other, and stretch the arm of the zombie and then let go, causing the zombie to fly away like a stretched rubber band. This method seems very effective, and zombies fly away from our group. We notice that the attacks start to increase and even I have to defend myself often.
We come to the Delaware street bridge across the Tonawanda River. It too has a gap. We are all about to jump it, when I realize that the river is very shallow here. Knowing this, we all walk across the river with ease.
When we reach the other side I still see the storm cloud thundering and I stand still. I know this is my chance to leave this dreadful place. My entourage continues to fight off zombies as we near the storm cloud center. Just then, I meet up with an odd fellow. Much like an American playing a British king in medieval times, this man is so out of place it grates at me. He looks to be a normal guy, but he's angry and he appears to have some control over the zombies. He demands I give the rings to him. I tell him no and then he laughs and tells me, "Good luck getting out alive!" And the zombies flood in at us. My entourage fights valiantly, and I alongside them. Zombie after zombie we take out but they still keep coming. Someone shouts, "Use the ring!" and I dare not- I fear its power and wonder if it is as dangerous as the One Ring. Finally, surrounded and with no hope of escape, most of my entourage defeated, I slip on the silver ring. Nothing happens. I look above me and see the storm cloud. I slip on the other ring and suddenly I know I'm invisible. All around me zombies stare but do not attack. The hand that has the class ring(the Ring of Power?) weighs down so much it hurts. It is very difficult to raise my hand to my chest, but I manage it. My hand aches with pain. I wonder why I haven't escaped yet, and suddenly, I pop and I know I'm no longer where I was. Where I went to I don't know. And then,
I wake up.
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Tuesday's Mumblings
1. Second day taking calls! Wow. Had a good one. One guy called in asking why his connection was going up and down- get this- he wasn't even at his computer. He was pinging his computer from another place. He told me the IP address he was pinging. I informed him that it was not the IP of his computer at home. When I attempted to tell him the real IP, he said, "Obviously your company doesn't give you good enough tools to help you do your job." and hung up. Brilliant!
2. My meager lunches are helping me cut down on what I eat, but man its tough to stay away from the food machines
3. Got to meet up with a few buddies today. Hedkase, of all people, was there at work. He's a tier 2 guy now, and he's loving it. Its funny, I expected Hedkase to be much.... much taller.
4. Whipped out some more 40k figurines. I'm determined to get my "Kroot" finished so I can field them. Damn they look ugly
5. Sweet sweet bed time.
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Backlog backtrack
Whoa... I guess I missed a few days...
1. Many good things! Saturday I had friends over for some friendly table-top war games. I would have won if we played to the end- one of the guy's gf needed a ride so that kinda killed the game early.
2. I got my cable internet connection up and running! I love it! Fast downloads again, and no more disconnections!
3. Retro Lunch was fantastic! Had 5 listeners at one point, and lots of fun during the show.
4. This may seem like a bad thing but it really isn't. I have bad circulation in my leg so I must rely on a compression stocking in order to keep my leg from swelling up. Its feels funny when I wear it, it feels funny when I take it off, and I have to explain it if someone notices it... but damn my leg stops aching and I can walk normally again.
5. A friend lent me 10 bucks for shopping. Never knew I needed it so badly. I will pay her back this weekend
1. First day taking calls all day. Not bad had some odd callers but for the most part went pretty smooth.
2. Watched Finding Neverland... Really good movie.
3. I did my dishes. I swear its the beast with many heads- chop one head off and another grows back.
4. Not much else happened Monday, so I'm gonna leave it at that. I went to bed early and boy did it feel great to get 8 hours sleep again.
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Wierd #3
It's early morning. I appear to be scouting a warehouse in an urban area. The houses around me are no taller than 2-3 stories high, and the back alleys are dirty and cracked with non-use. The warehouse itself is 2 stories high and stretches down a dirt service road. I can see a few openings in the roof. For some reason I want to enter through those openings, and not the main doors on the side of the building. Everything is quiet around me. I realize that this isn't the warehouse I want. There is another warehouse- similar to this one but much more modern and solid- that I want to enter because it has something I want. This warehouse is a block away.
Suddenly I'm outside that warehouse and I climb up some machinery to an opening in the roof. I peer in from the opening and even though I expected it to be very quiet, it is bustling inside. It is also amazingly clean. Forklifts are moving around, people are walking along long alleys of shelving, and I see a giant vault to some bank. It was the vault I wanted to see, but I had no intention of entering. I just wanted to see it.
Suddenly I'm back at the first warehouse. Someone is watching me look at the entrances. He says he works here but the shift hasn't begun and he would like to enter. He asks me to help him out. I decide that this isn't too much trouble so I walk around the side where machinery seems to be active. On the side of the warehouse there is a large machine on some sort of metal scaffolding(think of a metal frame and place the engine/machine on a platform on top if it) that comes to about the height of my head. a large metal container is sliding down the length of the warehouse on metal rails. It glitters with the shine of metal shavings. I avoid the moving container and climb up the metal scaffolding onto the roof of the warehouse. I walk along the roof to the entrance that the man wants to enter through. There is a grate covering a vent that pops into the warehouse and I climb in. Unlike the other one, this warehouse is dead quiet and dirty everywhere. No one is in here. I climb down from the inside, unlock the side door and walk about. The side entrance has some sort of strange fencing jutting out from the wall so that you have to walk in between it to get in or out. The fencing appears to be made of dingy carpet staked to some fence pikes. It would appear that someone thought putting carpet up like this would be good to keep the dirt outside and not let it into the building. Judging by the condition of the carpet, it would appear to have worked quiet well... if the warehouse itself wasn't so dirty inside. I reach the end of the carpet fence, and exit from two flaps dangling on the end. The man is there and he enters behind me.
Suddenly its much later, I'm watching a young man(a couple years younger than I) argue with an old man outside the dirty warehouse. It appears to be over two samples of some sort of algae. Both of them are very adamant about their positions even though I am unsure what the argument is about. the samples are in petri dishes and they ask me to make a decision. I peer at both samples in a microscope, and for whatever reason I realize that the old man is wrong. In my mind I understand why he was wrong- something to do with air bubbles in the sample- and we decide to go along with the young man's assertion. I'm not sure why air bubbles proved the old man wrong or what the assertion really were. I try to think about it and then
I wake up.
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Friday's Beast
1. Work was odd. Definitely more laid back but my stomach was flying all over the place. Ugh.
2. Managed to get out of work earlier today. Not too bad.
3. Cleaned that vile hole I call a bathroom. Why is it so hard to keep it clean? Possibly cuz I'm usually the only one using it hehe.
4. I have to give a big ROFL to Goob and the invasion idea. !@mart in Activeworlds has never been so lively, even in its inception
5. Had some more fun chatting with Digi. Never had a lil sister before
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Here Comes The ...
1. Another interesting day at work. This is my 3rd day taking calls. We had one person call in to find out why his business had to wait 7-10 days to get the lines fixed. He purchased residential service(which he wasn't supposed to do) and not business service. Business packages get their lines fixed much sooner. In the end the wait really had to do with his local government's regulations on digging up the ground to bury cable lines. Go figure.
2. Did some shopping today, got some decent food for cheap. Should last me until Friday next week
3. Mmmmm spaghetti...
4. Found out my shift for the next 6 weeks! 1pm to 9:30pm. I'm definitely not a morning person so this is fantastic.
5. Getting things organized for the weekend. Warhammer 40k is fun
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Is it Wednesday? Damn.
1. Another good day at work. Taking calls is getting easier and easier.
2. Paid my bills, with just enough for gas and tolls left over.
3. Turned the A/C on today. It cooled the room in less than 2 minutes! How awesome is that?
4. Checked out some of the footage for Myst V: End of Ages on http://www.mystobsession.com and it looks fantastic.
5. One of the most dull and time-consuming tasks that I've been trying to do is fix all the mp3s I have. About 2 years ago Winamp 3 would either add 2-3 seconds of dead air or repeat the last 2-3 seconds of the mp3's audio to every mp3 played in it. I've managed to fix most of these files but I still have plenty to do.
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