Whoa.... a dream remembered...
I was approaching something that would remind you of an airport terminal. I approached with a certain confidence. I was a spy, working for the allies in a modern-day World War II. The Nazis were reborn, and were once again starting trouble in Europe. The airport was at a border of a sorts with Germany. With all the fighting it was tough to determine where the border was these days, but in this place it was relatively peaceful, with both sides allowing for some travel between the nations. Thankfully, it offered an opportunity for spies on both sides to sneak across. I'd like to think our side was getting the better of the Axis, but that would have been wishful thinking.
I approached a kiosk like many others, however this one was different. The man managing the kiosk was none other than my contact, who sometimes believed he was my boss. We chatted in a secret code that to others would have appeared to be nothing else more than a simple dialogue between customer and salesman. The gist of the conversation was that he was warning about crossing over the terminal into Germany, as there were many soldiers waiting and searching folks as they got on planes. I was not afraid. Not for a master of disguise!
I went around a corner, trying to find the best way in. The paths bottle-necked into one area, where passengers where searched and processed. I found an unlabeled door and went into it. There I found several safety jackets(The bright yellow and orange ones that construction workers used) and hardhats. After swapping some of clothes, I went back out of the door and slipped past the guards at the scanning stations, and headed down some stairs and out onto the tarmac. Strangely enough, there weren't any planes coming in, and the tarmac wasn't tarmac, but a clearing in a forest. A giant wooden barn? before me, and behind it several boat launches. Realizing that my hardhat and jacket would bring notice, I headed to the front of the barn. I removed the disguise and realized that the barn wasn't quite a barn. It was open, first of all, and the front part was a sort of maze of wooden walls. I walked around the side of the barn and I could peer into it because the sides were missing. As if the first floor outer walls were removed in most places. Inside and out I could see German guards milling about, widely spaced from each other- much like a first person shooter that allows you to kill each target before you're close enough to be seen. Thankfully, i just continue alongside the barn to the back, where the boat launches where. Apparently, on the other side of this lake, is where I need to be. I'm stopped only once, an official-looking man asks for my ID in German, and I respond in German. He looks at my pass, and let's me on one of the boats.
Rest assured, this was the hardest part of my journey, and I could safely wake up. So I did.
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Slow Updates
Why am I so slow to update this? I keep telling myself it's the time factor. When I get home I usually rush to do homework, or play World of Warcraft, or finish groceries or something. I don't know- With milk sitting out on the table and steaks waiting to be bagged and frozen, I got the urge to update.
1. This past weekend has been awesome- it was a well-deserved vacation from the usual grind.
2. Saturday I arrived in Rhode Island after two very short and very comfortable flights. Glad to see Buffalo is getting more traffic than it used to.
3. With that, Goob and I hung out until the Halloween Radio Show started on AW. Quite a bit of a fun and we even topped the worlds list for a bit... Ended it on a good note too with some scary stories!
4. Sunday saw some high-octane church action at Goob's Congregational Church. Got to hear Goob sing along with a bunch of other people much much older than he is. People kept asking about my cross too. It's interesting to see people's reactions, and sometimes they surprise me. doesn't anyone else take their faith as seriously as I do?
5. Of course, after church Goob decided it was high-time he upgraded his computer. With some advice from his far superior and more knowledgeable friend *cough*, me, we managed to get a good parts list and a plan for him to get it built.
6. Then I took a nap
7. Then it was the drive to Boston... I took nap then too, heheh...
8. Game time! The noise, the people, the hot dogs... the absolute trouncing of the Patriots by the awesome Buffalo Bills team for 54 minutes of the game... So beautiful... But in the end, mistakes were made, and of course the Bills sucked the big one once again. Too bad I couldn't blame it on Losman this time.
At least the hotdogs were good.
9. After the game we WoW'd around for a little bit until the sweet embrace of sleep took hold.
10. Monday was pretty decent. Despite the odd dream of shouting down Cindy Sheehan(don't ask) I managed to get up and around and Goob and I went to Providence for a couple movies. We watched Wallace and Gromit(an awesome performance for their big-screen opening) and then Doom. Doom was entertaining in the way that Scorpion King was entertaining. Lots of killing, lots of goofy scenes, but at least The Rock didn't pull an arrow out of his back and shoot it at the enemy. The best line of the movie: The Rock: "I'm not supposed to die!"
11. When we got back to Goob's place, we tried to get another WoW session going, but the damn game wasn't letting me connect. So to cover some time I asked Goob if we could watch a movie. I suggested Shawshank Redemption or Ray, the former which I had already seen. Goob insisted on Ray and I'm glad he did. I had no idea Ray had lived through so much adversity. An awesome movie.
12. The next day was the trip back home. We said our goodbyes and I was off to Buffalo once again. Again, the flights were smooth and relaxing(definitely gonna consider flying next time instead of the train) and I recovered my car from the parking lot... only to find out I had a flat tire. Thank goodness for fix-a-flat! Got my car to a shop and they fixed it easy-peesy.
13. After such a relaxing vacation, I was rather unprepared for the exam I had the next day, but thankfully she had a bonus section, which probably saved my butt.
14. Work was smooth as silk, with high availability and great periods of time in between calls. Hurray!
Out of all that, I have but one complaint: The damn toilets where I work are definitely designed for 6 year-olds. )@#(*@#@$)(&
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Many good things have happened over the week.
1. Doing well at work. Been getting my call time down, and I'm heading into making bonus. sweet.
2. I did manage to get "Best Attitude" for this month as well. What did I win? $5.00 card for Target. Yay.
3. I dropped Calculus. It was really kicking my ass, and I was very unprepared going into the third exam. I chose not to play.
4. I actually got bored with WoW for a week or so. Now I'm all better. Tonight I spent some time with da Goob and managed to do some additional Role Playing.
5. That girl I've been interested in... well... I didn't think it was working. It seemed like I was doing all the calling, all the work. So I asked advice from my friend, who told me to wait on it, let her call me. Well I waited a week, and I see her in class, and we chatted for a little bit, then she asked me to call her... so maybe there is something.
6. Got my student loans, got my paycheck... things are beautiful. I paid off the credit card I paid for the laptop, all my bills, and still had money left over.
7. So I bought airline tickets to Rhode Island. Gonna see the Bills beat the Patsies
8. Along those lines, I did manage to get the days off I requested for the trip. W00t
9. Also, my new shift at work is going to be Monday-Tuesday off, 4:30pm to 1am. MUCH better. Hope I can keep it through the next semester too.
10. GG George W. Bush. I for one have no problem supporting our President, and I think he's doing a good job, despite all the political poop he's being run through. It takes courage and I'm glad to see it isn't fazing him.
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1. Finally! The weekend! What did I get done? Well my stepsister's computer was completed, packed up, and set aside. I dropped it off today, but I forgot to leave her a number of driver disks. I also have a bunch of crosses that I asked Dad for and apparently I forgot to take those as well.
2. I've become addicted to Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccinos. It's like a coffee Slushee!
3. I talked to Jenn today, she seemed pretty upset about not getting back to me. Her grandmother has Alzheimer's and she's been spending a lot of time with her, especially on the weekend. She forgot to take her cell phone with her. I imagine my expectations have been running high concerning her, so I'm gonna tone back a little and let her tell me when we can meet up.
4. Got some time in playing some WoW with Goob. This time we didn't do any actual battle, but role-played an entire adventure over to Ironforge and then Stormwind. A great deal of fun was to be had.
5. Did I mention how much this computer rocks? I've been playing both WoW and Halflife2 on it and I'm getting almost no lag. This computer is amazing, and it continues to surprise me each and every day. I wish I could have gone mobile a long time ago.
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1. Lots of cool things - Gave Jenn a call, got some things straightened out. I actually had the guts to ask her if she felt the same way about me... She did say she does have a boyfriend... but for now I just want to get to know her. We'll see how it goes.
2. Got my router set up AND... that's a big AND by the way... I got file sharing over the wireless network... sorta. It times out after a little bit but it does work for the most part. Never got it to work before.
3. So begins the long long process of transferring all the files over to the new computer.
4. Found a doctor in my area. Gonna check him out later this week. Hopefully get this sleep apnea thing taken care of
5. I do have Sunday off! Thank goodness. I need a day off.
6. Bonus! Got word that my student loans have been disbursed. It's gonna be roughly $2500... Plus I'll get refunded for the school insurance...which is another $800. I'm rolling in money. Yeah it's student loan debt, but nonetheless
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1. So it's been a while. I got the check for my computer, so I've been working on it, backing up data and stuff... Lo and behold
2. The laptop came so soon! Fantastic! It looks so sweet... but the real test will come when I start gaming
3. I did meet up with her. We chatted for a bit, but just not long enough! I really want to know more about her. I hope she feels the same way.
4. Classes are going along pretty smoothly. I'm kinda worried about Calculus, but the other two are a breeze. In fact, I don't really see the need for bringing my laptop to class at this point.
5. On another note, I got my cable TV installed. Now I have yet another distraction!
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Semester of No Weekends - Week 2
1. My "weekend" went by pretty smoothly. I'm really digging the oceanography class. And that girl I mentioned? She gave me her cell#. I wonder what that means.
2. I managed to get stuff done! Laundry, cleaned up the dishes(some of them were really really nasty), and picked up my living area.
3. I also got the money in payment for my computer. Now, once my laptop comes in, I'll get this computer prepared and send it off
4. Not one, but TWO nights of WoW with Goob. Tonight I managed to recruit the help of a crazy human warrior. She managed to run us through an elite dungeon, and we picked up some awesome gear. Not only that, but I got Goob's character drunk! Many laughs were had.
5. And so my weekend comes to an end. I feel satisfied, and I hope school/work goes smoothly til my next weekend
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1. What an awesome day. Calls were at a minimum today, and likely to be the same tomorrow. My last call was a supervisor call, and the guy was drunk. how nice for my sup
2. Got some good playing done in WoW. Also, I've made a decision about my Role-Played Elf character... Now... how to integrate it into the story...
3. Allergies were under control for most of the day. Turns out one pill isn't good enough, gotta go with two.
4. The process of backing up has begun. Hopefully it'll go smoothly and quickly.
5. Tomorrow is Labor day. Not only do I get time and a half, but I get an alternate holiday, which is good for my trip to see the Bills against the Patriots
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Allergies Bleh
1. Allergies suck. Allergy medicine that works is good.
2. Got some needed 8 hour sleep.
3. Rehnquist died today. Let's hope Bush can find someone to carry on his conservative revolution.
4. Cyan Worlds was sacked today. I hope the talented folks over there find bigger and better things.
5. Shared some of my roast chicken with my buddy Devin. He enjoyed it. Glad to see other people enjoy my cooking just as much as I do
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Katrina Thoughts
1. I bought it. I bought the laptop. I got it for $1600, and it's 3x better than my desktop. Speaking of which...
2. I sold my computer. $600. Not bad. I hope my stepsister likes it
3. First week of school has been decent. I got my books, still need a TI-89 calculator. My biggest worries have been about New Orleans. Speaking of New Orleans...
4. Good things are coming out of New Orleans. It's not just the National Guard. People are helping people. This is what America is about. When poop hits the fan, we roll up our sleeves and help out. Speaking of helping out...
5. I'm gonna try and get over this fear and donate some blood. Just need to find a place to do it... and someone to hold me hand
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Warning: Politics
1. Finally got some allergy medicine. I might actually be able to see where I'm going, and not have to sneeze every 5 minutes.
2. The week so far in school has been good. My classes are easy, but doing them and full-time work is going to be tough. I think I'm up to the challenge.
3. Payday
4. Met up with a friend from last year's classes. I had no idea she was married, let alone 24 years old. I pegged her at 19. I suck at guessing female ages.
5. It's hard to be upbeat when I think about what's going on down there in New Orleans. My friend says "Civilization is only skin deep." I'd like to argue that point. Among the thousands stranded living under terrible conditions, MOST people are still civil. You have some fools out there looting VCRs and unimportant goods in waist-deep water. What the hell? What good is a VCR if there's no electricity? And those fools out there shooting at rescue victims ought to be shot themselves. Tragic events can bring out the scum of the earth, but they can also bring out the best in people. Help *is* on its way, and people are being rescued. I was talking to a friend at work, one who has spent time in the military, and he agrees that the logistics of getting forces in there to save people is daunting, especially when most of the area is a lake. However, he also says it's going to take a lot more than 8000 soldiers to restore order. Do we have enough to do it? Good question. Our politicians say we do, despite many of them being in Iraq and Afghanistan. At this point we can only hope, and pray.
The poo-list- A list of people and groups who think they're helping.
1. Eco-wackos. damn fools are blaming Bush for the hurricane. As if signing a treaty to cripple our economy would have stopped destructive hurricanes.
2. Charles Schumer(D)NYS. Releasing the Strategic Reserve isn't going to drop gas prices. There's plenty of oil, it's the gasoline supply that's the problem. Idiot.
3. Hillary Clinton(D)NYS. Investigating price gouging? THIS WON'T MAKE MORE GASOLINE. Useless in year 5 as she was in year 1.
4. Bill Nelson(D)FL. He thinks freezing the price of gasoline will help. IT WON'T MAKE MORE GASOLINE. He also warns that Republicans will try to get more oil drilling in Florida. Again...THIS WON'T MAKE MORE GASOLINE.
I think its about time politicians were required to take Economics 101. There hasn't been a refinery built in this country in 20 years and we wonder why oil providers increase the output but the price doesn't go down. All our refineries were working at capacity. Now Katrina took out 25% of our refineries. What do you think is going to happen?
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Lots of good things happened today.
1. So far my classes are okay. The only tough one will be Calculus 3(I can hear you all groaning). I'm gonna plod through it, and I don't even have to have a great grade in it... but that isn't my goal. My other classes, Chemistry 111(easy course, gonna get an A) and Oceanography seem very easy, and not all that involved. This semester looks good.
2. Also, since Chemistry 111 is closer to what I plan on teaching, I'm hoping to make teaching observations on the professor. Win/Win
3. I met a nice girl in my Oceanography class. Now I'm not much of a flirt but something told me that this girl was paying more attention to me than normal. She was in my group for an activity in class, and we chatted a little bit on the way to her car while I held my umbrella out for her. I don't think I've ever gotten such an open response from a lady like that before. I'm looking forward to this class now
4. Something happened last night that absolutely mortifying. Imagine destroying something you've worked on for 3 months- something you've built up from nothing into your pride and joy. I accidentally deleted my level 40 warrior on World of Warcraft. It was a simple thing... I thought I was deleting another character, and when I realized what I had done, I panicked. I tried contacting Blizzard, I tried many things. Finally I resorted to petitioning a Game Master. 20 minutes later, my petition had disappeared. I wasn't sure why, and I received no response. I decided to log out and go to bed... Lo and behold when I logged out of my alternate character, there was my main, back where he belonged. I wanted to kiss the GM
5. Speaking of my level 40 Tauren warrior... Through great savings and hard work, as well as a little help from friends, I now have my Kodo mount. What is a Kodo? think rhinoceros with many different horns on the front. These guys are what the Taurens get to ride when they reach level 40. I still haven't figured out what to call him. Suggestions?
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1. Dual monitor action is hot! Literally. I'm getting a suntan
2. No caller of the day, which I suppose is good. the masses out there were generally pacified.
3. The closer school gets, the more nervous I get. I hope I can survive
4. Thanks to Goob and New England as a whole, I can't remember what Manhattan Clam Chowder tastes like.
5. I've got a big rant on the whole Cindy Sheehan/Iraq war thing coming up. I really want to vent on this, but alas tomorrow will see it to light.
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