I took my second-to-last exam on Friday. I thought I did pretty decent but that's usually a sign that I tanked. Only time will tell at this point. Now I need to study up and take the final. I also have a paper to write as well, hooboy. Thankfully it's a topic that I know about and I might just enjoy writing about as well.
My apartment needs a good cleaning, but my free time seems to be spent. I'm hoping I can tackle each problem as it comes. First off, I'm gonna reorganize my bedroom for the summer months. Then I'm gonna get the vacuuming done and possibly reorganize the living room. After that, I'll tackle the bathroom. Hurray! I managed to blog about my chores. I'm sure you're all excited now!
Oh yeah, my AW Reunion registration fee is on it's way.
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It's Die with a T at the end
I've started my officially sanctioned, dietitian-reviewed and notarized diet. I talked to her at length about proportions, and the types of food I can eat/avoid. It's not going to be easy, and she said the diet I'm on is actually much less than she would put me on, but she thinks I have the will to stick to it. I hope so too.
PS. She's pretty cute too.
This is probably the greatest thing about the Nintendo Wii, hell the entire world, ever! You will buy the console. You will buy this game. There is no maybe, there is no "no."
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What a crazy year
This is the first time I've ever been excited about E3. What is E3? Electronic Entertainment Expo, down in LA, California. Most feel it is the Mecca for gamers, as companies out there use it as a chance to announce their latest and greatest devices/games/etc. This year it's interesting in that all 3 console companies(That's Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo) have big news for everyone. It's also fun to watch the flops bubble to the surface as well. I've spent the better half of my day posting E3 news on my guild's forum(skunkcanyon.com) while at work and it's been a blast.
I could summarize all this Pre-E3 info coming out right now:
Nintendo: A-
Microsoft: B+
Sony: C-
Sony's really taking a beating this year, and it seems they keep doing things to screw themselves up, not to mention making other companies look good(ps3 controller is going to have motion-sensing electronics? Where did I hear that before?*cough*Nintendo*cough*)
We'll see how things turn out, but with Nintendo it seems like they're ready to take the lead once again.
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I say I don't watch much TV, and it's true. But I do go through phases sometimes. For the longest time I was craving Star Trek: The Next Generation, and before that it was Deep Space Nine. Earlier this year I went on a Junkyard Wars blitz, but all that's wound down now that I've finished off so many series. These days I'm enjoying black and white samurai movies and more recently Myth-busters.
But I'm moving off that, and now.... Cops. Oh yeah! I either get to see inner city gangstas try to outrun a police officer, or watch some southern redneck with gnarly teeth get dragged into a police car. Now that's Television!
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The Legend must be told...
So I've been bottling up stuff for months now. I know I should be letting you in on some of the things that are happening in my life, but I haven't gotten around to putting them down in writing. Well let today be a turning point. I'm gonna hopefull spill it all out.
This update's topics:
-New dishwasher
-Dad's Surprise birthday party
-That girl I liked
-The insanity of the exam on Friday
-United 93
-Final Fantasy what?
I purchased a dishwasher. It's not very big, it washes a little more than a four-place setting(four plates, four cups, four bowls/saucers, some silverware etc). However, since I hate washing dishes, and even when I do they smell like crap afterwards(I have no idea why), I'm going to leave the job up to an expert. A machine. I've finally got the right adapter and it's washing dishes right now
On March 12th, my father turned the big 5-0. I wasn't able to attend, but my step-mom and a couple other family members held a small birthday party at home in Batavia. My dad was only mildly suspicious, and couldn't quite accept that his 50th birthday party came and went without so much as a fizzle. It was a great plan, and it did throw my Dad off the scent for the real thing- The next week we held my Dad's surprise birthday party, and I knew I was going to get my Dad good.n't going to see it coming. I had this prank planned for years, and my Dad was blind to my plans. While I made the mistake of telling one of my aunts about the plan and everyone knew about the prank(except my Dad), she in turn did assist in the prank itself. I had taken both Saturday and Sunday off and collected the necessary items and traveled to my aunt's house. You see, I was going to make my Dad a cake. Not just any cake, but a sponge cake. I'm sure you've heard of sponge cake. Supposedly softer but denser than normal cake(also known as angel-food cake) and vanilla in flavor. Well I decided to forgo that part of the recipe and instead used real sponges. They were the perfect size. They were moist. And when stacked up together, made an awesome cake-shape. From there my aunt and I frosted and decorated the "cake" using the real stuff, colored frosting and cake-writing gel. I wrote "Nifty Nifty Look Who's 50!" on the cake, and even designed and created a Bullwinkle(my dad's nickname is Moose) on it. It looked real. I looked professional. And my Dad has no idea. The following afternoon, with the cake in place, and my step-mom delivering my Dad to the location, everyone waited with baited breath. My dad stepped through the doorway and he was surprised for the party. He talked with people, and moving down the hall, slowly made his way to the cake. I encouraged him to check it out, and he was surprised to know that I had made the cake for the party. He saw the cake and was impressed. He couldn't wait to dig in, and especially liked the moose. After receiving praise from my Dad, I left him to finish talking with other family members. After that was dinner, and then the lighting of the candles. It was then I realized something; the sponge didn't leave much room for the candles to sink in, so they weren't staying up. I moved into action before my Dad could notice. Using the leftover frosting I squeezed out little balls of frosting onto the bottom ends of the candles and then stuck them on the cake. PHEW. My Dad didn't notice, and the disaster was averted. However, I also remembered at that point that my dad liked to lick the candles when they're pulled out again after extinguishing them. I acted quickly again and pulled out the candles and set them aside, where my Dad then proceeded to lick them. PHEW x 2.
Then it was time to cut the cake. The BIG moment, the moment I had been waiting for, that everyone had waited for. They passed a knife to my Dad, and just then my uncle walks in with THE REAL CAKE. OH CRAP! I distracted my Dad, insisting he cut the cake. He was confused for a second but I knew he wanted a piece of that moose on my special cake. He forgot about the incoming cake and proceeded to cut... And it didn't cut. The knife bounced back up, and the cake remained intact. My Dad attempted again the same spot, and he couldn't cut the cake! I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing, almost falling on the floor, pointing and laughing. I tell my Dad, in between laughs, "Having trouble Dad? I know you're old and feeble, but can't you cut a cake?" My Dad yelled out, "What's wrong with this cake?!" as he tried to cut again. I shouted back, "Have you ever heard of sponge cake Dad?" And he looks at the cake, and then looks at me, and says, "No..." By this time everyone in the room was laughing. It dawned on my Dad that he had been pranked, and he had been pranked good.
Now I must keep an eye out on my Dad. Revenge is a dish best served cold, and I will be ready.
PS. Dishes are done! w00t! They smell clean, they are clean! Now for load #2
Some of you might remember me going googly-eyes for this girl I met at school, back during the beginning of this whole journal... Well, she's been paying me a lot of attention lately, and I'm not sure how to take it. She sent me a ton of pics the other day, each one as gorgeous as ever. They were taken around campus in the spring bloom(the lilac picture is the best). I don't know what to do or say or... ? She wants to meet up sometime. *googly eyes*
Friday's exam didn't happen. I took Thursday off-an unpaid 'green day' as they call it- to study. I didn't think I would have had enough time to sleep before the exam so I continued to study... and stayed up all night until the exam. After being awake nearly 24 hours, I drive all the way down to Buffalo State to take my exam... And my professor isn't there. I ended up going to the department office, and they call him on his home phone, and he says, "Oh I'm sorry. I thought it was next week." ARGH.
On my way back to my car, there was a girl walking the same direction. She had lilacs hanging out of her backpack. It reminded me of the lilacs that used to grow in the backyard in Batavia. I told her as much, and she said, "You're from Batavia? My best friend is from Batavia!" We chatted a little bit and I told her she reminded me to visit home. We had to head in different directions, so we did, but it was a pleasure to meet her. After that, I decided to visit home. But not until after a long sleep.
Saturday I visited home, talked to my Dad, and enjoyed dinner with him. I also took him to see United 93. All I can say is Go See This Movie. Why? Because it is a TRUE story about ordinary people in an extraordinary situation. These knew that death was imminent, and they knew they were headed for a target, and they knew that survival was slim, and they still fought to disrupt the terrorists to prevent them from being another flying bomb. That right there is TRUE courage. You will be moved by this movie, guaranteed, and you will come out of that theater with a different perspective. It will do you good to remember that we Americans are still at war.
Final note, everyone has been abuzz about Final Fantasy VII lately. I started watching the Advent Children movie, and decided I was totally confused 5 minutes in. I decided to wiki some information on the series, especially Final Fantasy 7, just to get a good idea on the storyline and just what it was all about. Armed with the new information, Advent Children made much more sense. Some awesome fight scenes and good story, if somewhat awkward(then again it might have been the dub).
More updates coming soon! Enjoy!
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Yet another Dream Remembered...
It has been a long journey. I have traveled long, through desert and now stone. My water supply has run low, and I'm hoping to find nourishment somewhere in this mountain range. At some points it was a steep climb, at others it was an easy transition- but always dry and dusty. Just my luck to ascend on the lee side.
My ascent is steady, and the further forward I move, the closer I am to freedom. My past, dark and shameful as it may be, haunts my steps. My only hope is to escape it- so I walk, and do not stop. Somewhere here there is a secret place, a haven, where I could live out my days in quiet solitude. I've lived a long and arduous life, and I deserve safety. I deserve freedom.
As I slowly reach the top, I come across a passage in between two peaks. My hopes begin to rise as the passage becomes more apparent. From a distance, the pass is all but hidden. However, at my nearby vantage point, it is quite clear. I entered the pass, noting the slow transition from a dry, arid rocky path to a moist and muddy path. As I continue deeper into the pass, I can smell moisture. A cool wind flows through the pass, a stark contrast to the dry heat outside. The pass takes several turns, a testament to its hidden appearance. It is easy descent, and the ground continues to get softer. Despite the tall mountain walls, there is some plant life growing on this path. Finally, the pass opens up into a large verdant valley, a huge bowl surrounded by mountains and teeming with green life. This hidden valley stretches for at least 100 acres, roughly 5 times longer east to west than north to south. I take in a deep breath of cool but moist air, and the smells of green life fills my lungs.
On the north side and west there are green fields that may have been plowed but have long since grown fallow. On the south side of the valley is a dark forest that stretches to the east end of the valley. Surrounding the valley are the steep mountains, shadowy soldiers that protect this beautiful land. On the edge of the forest, near the fields, stands an ivy-covered building of some sort. At one glance it looks a part of the forest, but at the next, 3 tower peaks can be made out of a castle. Before me is a field that slopes down to a narrow river. The river itself winds its way west to a glistening lake. The mid-afternoon sun sparkles on its breeze-rippled surface. I decide to make my camp there at the water's edge. My hopes soar as I consider a life here. I could enjoy this.
I awoke in the morning, satisfied with last night's meal of venison and some fresh berries. I also found some tubers that would make a delicious breakfast. I stretch for a bit, then head down to the water to wash up. This place is wonderful! The cool water washes my aches and pains away. I feel the desert and rock melt off my skin. I feel much more invigorated. I feel young again. I gather my clothes and cover my dignity. Perhaps I'll shave my beard too.
I head back to the camp, when I hear something. Was that a twig snapping? I hunch down and peer at my camp through the trees. There is a woman there! She looks out of place here, with such a fine piece of clothing. She is wearing a long, white dress, one that reaches down to the ground so that it slightly brushes her footsteps. The neckline of the dress goes all the way up with blue lace at every seam. It was finely made and not something I expected to ever see again. She had a regal manner, almost demure, and I couldn't keep my eyes from this sight. As I watch her inspect my camp, I come to realize that she looks much younger than I had originally thought. I look closer again and realized it wasn't so much young as it was ageless, and I found myself having trouble guessing that age. With her smooth, pale skin and high cheeks framed by long, dark reddish-brown hair that was tied back, she reminded me of someone I once knew long ago. She finished looking through my pack, and inspecting my fire and stood up. She paused, looked straight ahead, and turned right to me.
Without expression she stated, "I see you. Come forward." This was not a request, but it wasn't a demand either. Rather, it came out as if it was the natural order of things. Even more strangely, I did as she asked! I was compelled. Something forced me to do as she obeyed. I stood up, and came into the clearing where my camp was set up. She stood watching me for a moment, looking me up and down. I couldn't move, I couldn't even talk. I had questions to ask, but my mouth wouldn't even move to speak them. She walked around me and I could feel her eyes watching. When she finished circling, she paused yet again, and looked at me.
Her face was cold ice. "You have entered my land, and have eaten my food. You cleansed yourself in my Lake. You are here without my permission." Such crimes are usually meted out in death. However, since you are the only person I have seen in many years, servitude will suffice. The Lake will have restored much of your youth, and your strength. You will need both for the tasks I have for you. Gather your things and follow me." Again, not a demand, but a natural state of being. And again, I was compelled to do it. I couldn't fight it, I could only obey. While I donned my pack and put out my fire, I wondered just wrong I was, thinking I would find peace here.
To be continued....!
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And now the News
This weekend I accomplished several things, none of them having to do with school. Monday I helped Dave and relieved him of some of his junk, as well as enjoyed a delicious Indian(that's East Indian) meal at a place called Tandoori's. Not a bad place to eat, once you get past the traditions.
Also, I cleaned my apartment a little bit, but also had blood-work done as well. I also mailed out my supplementary insurance claim, along with an itemized bill. The last vestiges of my stay at the hospital are slowly melting away. The only thing to worry about now is my next doctor's appoint and the my sleep apnea appointment in June.
As for school, one of my teacher's suggested I apply for an incomplete. He approved his class but I still need to do the same with my Calculus professor. Otherwise I'll get the F
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I'm failing calculus and physical chemistry is in danger. I can't wake up in time for class because I wake up 3 hours before class and end up falling asleep when I sit down *anywhere.*
I fear falling asleep while in the car.
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You can't say Happiness without saying ...
Last week was a bust, but at least I'm getting cleared up medically. My doctor says I'm proceeding admirably, and as long as I continue to increase my activity as well as see a nutritionist I should be well on the way to getting back into shape. I only hope it's better than this round shape.
School has started up again, and things look good. I will hopefully take my makeup exam for calculus on Friday, and the chemistry makeup on Monday. After that, I should be caught up. The only thing left now is the finals and a damned term paper for chemistry.
I've also instituted a new rule at my house, though I'm not sure how long it'll last. Basically, if I dirty the dish, I'm gonna wash it when I'm done. Hopefully I won't have any more dirty dish piles gaining sentience again- they tend to argue philosophy.
Also, I picked up a couple used games for my Nintendo DS. Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Advance Wars: Dual Strike. I was tempted to get Mario Advance 4: Super Mario 3 but I think I've played that out. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I'd be interested in the Sonic game, but after playing the last 3 GBA games, I'd probably be disappointed again. Then again, I could always check out some online reviews.
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Chuck Norris Facts
If anyone has gotten a lol out of chucknorrisfacts.com, you will get a huge laugh out of this video of Chuck Norris reading them.
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Proper Job
Got a bunch of things done. I found out that I do not qualify for short term disability, after I had driven out to the hospital to fax them the information. While I no longer have to worry about dealing with the paperwork, I still could have used the money. Alas, state short term disability doesn't pay out until after a week... leaving me with only one day of it. Not worth the trouble if you ask me. I did get a ton of shopping done, and I've got some good stuff lined up for meals. The better ahead I make my meals, the less temptation I have to get fast food, which is what I'm trying to stay away from. Wish me luck!
Junkyard Wars rules. I watched a recent season and the ultimate winners was a group of British rednecks. One of the guys who was quite goofy and bared a similarity to Jeff Foxworthy would say quite often, "Proper job!" I think it means "Git'r done!"
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I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
Imagine my surprise, receiving this message from someone named studbeefpile66. Turns out it's a bot that scans livejournals for AIM names and starts up random conversations using that name and "I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?" However, when you reply it's to someone completely different. This time it was a lady in California. We chatted for a bit and it was a pleasure to meet her. Suffice it to say, however, I've removed my aim name from LJ to prevent this bot from further annoying others.
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Top Speed
It's been a week since I've been out. My leg still swells from time to time but the compression stocking is keeping it comfortable. Walking seems to be helping too. As for school, I'm on course to take the exams. Both teachers have given me extra time and the needed information to pass. It's a scary thought but I think I'm actually understanding the calculus material.
I did get the postcard from Amanda. It was really sweet and brightened my day. Maybe I'll make the AW Reunion after all...
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Ordeal completed
Day 7: The Bad News
It was Sunday I learned that I would NOT be leaving Monday morning, but rather have to stay in the hospital until Wednesday. It was also then I got my new and final IV tap. This time, they called an anesthesiologist to tap my vein. This was probably the most painful of any of the jabs I received during my stay. It ACHED, but it worked. I didn't have to hold my hand a certain way, and the drip would go pretty quick. They tapped a major vein.
By now my fever was gone and I could sleep normally. Meals continued to be delicious, and even though the prospect of being stuck for an additional two days stunk, at least I was going to eat well.
Day 8 and 9: Wrap up.
There wasn't much going on these two days except for one major factor: My arch-nemesis from high school visited. I didn't like this guy at all then, and I was surprised to see him. He changed quite a bit. He turned out to be a minister for my old church. He's still the big guy he used to be, but not the jerk. It was pretty cool to catch up with him.
Oh yeah, the new antibiotic they gave me STUNG. They warned me, but pumping a stinging juice through an aching vein is just ARGH.
Day 10: Homeward Bound.
Finally- Wednesday morning, I got the OK to head home. I got unplugged, cleaned up and dressed, and picked up everything. My car was waiting outside. Finally I was out. Hopefully, I never have to go through that again.
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