Tricksy little managers...
So I was duped at work. They offered some training on the billing system to me a couple weeks ago. I asked before I volunteered if this would lead to moving or otherwise changing from what I'm doing now. I was told no.
They lied.
Turns out that the day of training we were told that we would be handling tier 1 calls in an overflow capacity, but only setting up trouble calls and balancing services. Fair enough- it wasn't too bad, and our call capacity did not increase very much. However, the next day we get a notice that not only would we have to move to a different part of the building, but we would also be taking only tier1 calls for the foreseeable future. When this ends they couldn't tell me, but from the sounds of it, its going to be a while.
I was pretty angry about it, until I was halfway through the day. I take it all back, it's actually not bad. Since there is already a tier1 taking the bulk of the calls, we're still just handling overflow, and the time in between calls(with 5 available) ranged from 2 minutes to 5 minutes, which was awesome. After lunch, the time even stretched further. IN FACT, after my second and final break until the end of my shift, I didn't take a single call. That was an hour and a half of me just sitting around, wikipedia'ing bad movies and old cartoons. Sweet.
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