So Far, So Good
Things are going pretty good for me now. School is starting up in a week, work's been really smooth, and I did accept that job to build Gary's website.
But why am I surrounding myself with things to do? I don't want to have too much on my plate at one time, but it seems like I'm doing just that. School is starting but it looks like I'm only going to be able to take one class this semester. My employer isn't very flexible on this so I'll have to just work around it.
If I could afford to work part-time and go to school full-time I would... but alas I have bills to pay. Right now at work it's been rather quiet. There are fewer and fewer calls during the day so I have plenty of time to paint my Warhammer miniatures. I swear I enjoy painting more than playing the game.
Also, CSS looks pretty interesting, and I'm getting the hang of it. I'm hoping to build a static site for Gary. He doesn't want it all fancy or anything, so I won't have to use php or some crazy moonlanguage to build it.
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