Say it isn't so, Mel...


Mel Gibson is my favorite actor. From Mad Max to Lethal Weapon to Braveheart, and Payback. I think he's a great actor, and I thought The Passion of Christ was a movie that had to be made, and probably the only movie ever done right.

Recent events have had my torn. For those who haven't heard, Mel Gibson was arrested for DUI. Apparently in his drunken tirade Mel said some very defamitory words about Jews and as with most public figures, Mel was immediately criticized and ostracized. Some people say a drunk man says what a sober man thinks, and I'm not sure I believe that.

Mel did apologize at first but was criticized again saying it was half-hearted and weak. So he apologized again, and pleaded for help from the Jewish community. Are these the words of someone who hates Jews? I don't think so. I only hope he is as sincere as he sounds.

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