JR and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day


I spoke too soon. Apparently the rosy picture I painted in the last post didn't last. Friday was jam-packed with calls until the very end. Okay? Not so bad, right? Wrong. While we were moved back to our usual places on Monday, it was balls-to-the-wall calls. I was already running late, I had a headache, and it was looking awful. Then the proverbial defecation collided with the rotary ocilator. It seems Buffalo area came up against an outage and we were told to perform an action that doubles our call time. I took about 3 of those calls before they said the long process wasn't necessary. 20 minutes later, I was told that the long process would be necessary again.

I had it. I was done. My boss detected this and told me that sick time can be used in this case. "Mental health is important too," he said. I agreed with him. So after 3 hours of taking calls, I called it quits and went home. I hope things improve tomorrow.

The weekend faired better at home than at work. I managed to get some shopping done with what little money I had, as well as get some Warcrafting done with Goob. Good to know he's done with school for the summer too. More time! I also found out my new shift that starts at the end of the month. It's going to be 3:45pm to 12:15am with Friday and Saturday off. Not bad.

Sunday night was reserved for some more crafting of the War, and then it was off to Spiderman 3! My next-door neighbor Julie paid this time(despite my repeated attempts to fill in) and I really appreciated it. She didn't have to, and it makes me appreciate how wealthy I am in friendships, if not in money. The movie was fantastic! I felt there were some things that could have made the movie better but on the whole Spidey 3 certainly reached its usual levels of awesome.

With the week off to a rocky start, I only hope things get better, and perhaps I should talk about this new work situation with my supervisor. Wish me luck!

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