Categories: "The Legend"
The party of Tolerance, Openness and Good Will
This video pretty much sums it up.
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Congratulations, Crystal and Russ Joy!
Today I went to my third wedding of this year. This one was between my stepsister Crystal and her longtime boyfriend Russel Joy, whom I knew from high school. It was great to not be in the wedding party this time, and all I had to wear was 'something nice,' which was nothing more than slacks and long-sleeve shirt and a tie.
My sister and I got to the ceremony just in time and it was a beautiful Catholic ceremony. I didn't necessarily understand all the ritual but it was beautiful nonetheless. The reception afterwords was fantastic! If there was ever a large wedding that could be pulled off wonderfully, this was it. In fact, I'd say that I enjoyed this wedding the most- I asked so many more women to dance today than I ever had before. The food was great, the fellowship was awesome, and I had a delightful time.
My other stepsister made a dark prediction though: She said that she was told that once one of the kids gets married, the rest get married within five years. FAT CHANCE THAT! I don't see myself getting married anytime soon, so much for that prediction.
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I've got class!
I'm going to take a moment to go into more detail about the current classes I've been taking. I am currently enrolled in Instrumental Analysis (Chemistry) and Fundamentals of Teaching Students with Disabilities. I find both interesting but I cannot wait until I have finished both of them.
The main idea behind Instrumental Analysis is that I get good experience using numerous instrumentation and spectroscopic devices. This includes Infrared, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and several others. The general idea behind the class interests me but the quirks of the professor and his teaching methods really weaken that interest so much that getting through the class often feels like a chore. I can forgive the professor's intermittent use of deodorant and his thick Ukrainian accent. What I have a hard getting past is his confusing laboratory manual and insistence that we learn how to use a machine by being shown only once the exact mouse-clicks to press to get the machine to run. His course syllabus requests full professional reports for each lab but then tells you never mind, just show him the numbers. If there is one thing that I've learned about this class is that collaboration with other students is the key to getting a good grade. So far I've supported and have been supported by my fellow classmates as we struggle through this confusing and convoluted course.
My Teaching Students with Disabilities class is at the other end of the spectrum. The teacher is easy to understand, the classwork is fairly simple(so far) but it's unclear as to what I'm supposed to be learning. The structure of the class is very nebulous and the teacher believes in keeping the class open and free to change. She even suggests we do the same with our classes. I'm not about to agree with that because while we're adults who act responsibly and maturely, our students will still be kids. Also, I will need to make 10 hours of observations in a classroom as part of the coursework. This is going to be very difficult for me since I work full time. I also need to contact a school but I have no idea how to go about it and I do not know any of the schools in the area. I'll have to write a paper as well as create a power Point presentation on some learning disability. I think I am going to do autism but since I'm still confused about this class, I haven't gotten anything set just yet. This class is one big "?"
So that's what I've been trudging through right now school-wise. Feel free to respond!
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On The Mind
So how does everyone like the new look? It's simple and pragmatic, but it's missing a few things for me. Like the weight loss meter! Oh well, I'll find another way to implement it.
I saw Dave today, and he was moved to the Intermediate Level Care Unit (ILCU) because of a breathing problem. I gave him his birthday gift and it was great that we were able to talk for a bit before I had to go to work. He had a big poster wishing him well on his birthday from his aunt, ex-girlfriend and her daughter. It's great to know that I'm not the only one who cares about Dave, and that other people are showing him the support he needs. Sometimes... I get frustrated in that there's little I can do for Dave, other than spend time with him when I can. His health and his mental state are out of my hands. The only thing I can do is pray for him and sometimes it feels like it isn't doing much for him.
When I think about what Dave is going through, my problems don't seem as rough in comparison. My schoolwork is very difficult, but it doesn't compare to how difficult Dave's battles are. Maybe it'll inspire me, I don't know, but I hope things get better for the both of us.
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And now back to the show!
Finally! After a week with a construction crew running in and out of this website- a lot of noise, sawdust, and bricklaying- I've finally got the site back up. I went from version 0.9.2, to version 2.4.2, and the differences are vast. I love all the new features, and things actually work! I can even set up sub-blogs(if people so wish), and I've even worked out a setup where you, faithful readers, can create your own user accounts to keep from having to log in every time to comment. This new version also comes with a better spam blocker too! I'm really digging the cool stuff I now have control over.
About my last post- some of you folks didn't seem happy that I didn't go into details about my return to the dating fields, and there's a good reason. It's only been 1(one) date so far(with thankfully a second one Friday) and I'm still getting to know this girl. Maybe I don't want to jinx it, and maybe I don't feel there's much to report yet. I don't want to go into all the details and pour my heart out, only to find out we don't get past the second date. Why get everyone's(and especially mine) hopes up for something that wasn't going to go far?
I hope everyone is doing well out there. I'll be sure to post more as I've got a lot to catch up on. Thanks for tuning in!
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New things
Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm doing school and work at the same time and do not have much time to post. I am also in the midst of upgrading my blogging software, so you might see a few changes.
School is going good, work is going good, and I'm also dating again too! More on that later.
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Thank you to everyone who wished me well on my birthday. The years seem to go by much faster these days, but I don't feel bad about getting older, not at all. With each passing year I become more mature and more wise, and I like it!
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The Ohio Experience, version 2.0
With great happiness and jubilation, I present to you the Ohio 2008 photo gallery. Thanks to Arche for sending over some of the photos she took, as they were integral to the trip. A few notes:
The Touchdown Jesus has a bit of fame to it. We only noticed it on our way to King's Island after getting lost(a little). Arche snapped a picture while we were driving by.
Also, the pictures of the Delirium do not do it much justice. Unfortunately, I was not able to go on the ride as I was still too big for it. I did manage to go on 2 coasters and tons of water rides. I would not have considered King's Island a destination if it were not for all the weight I have lost. I still have more to go, and next year... King's Island will be mine once again.
Link fixed. Thanks Chris!
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Jeff Raven announces endorsement of John McCain for President
As some of you know, I've always had a lukewarm response towards John McCain. He called himself a maverick but it was what he was a maverick about that irked me. His record showed him siding with liberals time and again. I didn't like his random left-turns and I could not support him in 2000.
Fast-forward to June 2008. John McCain is seeking the job and over the past eight years, his record had not improved. Among the many Republican candidates, there were others with far better conservative credentials than John McCain. Mit Romney and Fred Thompson came to mind- however they could not pull together the political clout to win the nomination, and John McCain had won.
This was a frustrating event and and despite my misgivings I grudgingly accepted him as the person for whom I would vote in November. John McCain wasn't conservative on many things but he did share some of my views.
Fast-forward to now. John McCain has now done two things to convince me of his conservative efficacy. His interview with Rick Warren was brilliant. John McCain was clear and concise with his answers and it showed to me that he was speaking from principle. It wasn't completely conservative but it was good enough for me. John McCain comes from a senatorial position which doesn't always require leadership experience, but this interview demonstrates that he knows how to be a leader, and can be a president whose decisions are made from a solid foundation of principle.
The second thing that John McCain has done was his choice of Sarah Palin for his Vice President. Governor Palin also speaks from principle. Her views are grounded in that same solid foundation of conservatism and ethics. This tells me that she too knows how to be a leader.
John McCain, with these two events, has demonstrated to me that he wants to represent me and conservatives everywhere. I will no longer feel reluctance while pulling that lever for John McCain, but will pull it proudly. I am endorsing John McCain for President of the United States.
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Flash Update
It's been a very long day. After a 6 hour drive from Columbus to Buffalo, I immediately went to class. I took care of some school stuff in between but now that I'm home I don't feel like giving a detailed blog about the trip. I will however post something up(with pictures! LOTS of pictures) relatively soon. For now, know that Ohio was a blast! Every foray into the dark interior of Ohio has been better and better each time. Much love to Arche and Digigurl for their companionship, and most especially to Arche because she was a lovely and gracious hostess. Though we did not get to fully experience Kings Island, we should at least have something to look forward to next time!
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The Buffalo Waterfront
You can check out the gallery here.
Buffalo has been pumping quite a bit of money into revitalizing the Waterfront area, and it's showing. There are beautiful gardens along the pier walk, as well as a scenic view of Lake Erie. The real work though has mostly been done in the Harbor area, in what once was a granary industry is now a park. There's still more construction being done so the finished project is still a ways off, but it is still fascinating to watch it develop. I hope you enjoy the pictures!
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Wedding #2
My brother Greg got married on Saturday. It was pretty hectic and while for the most part it was smooth, there were several things that were played off-the-cuff and we had to improvise several times. Nonetheless, I'm glad for Greg and I wish him the best. I'm just surprised at how quickly this all happened. Tiffany is definitely a good lady for Greg and I hope he appreciates her.
But since this blog is about me, I'd like to go into that. Throughout the wedding I managed to catch up on quite a few people. Sandy and Ray where there as well as their daughter Raelynn(hope I spelled that correctly). It was great to see them since I hadn't in many years. I was surprised I almost didn't recognize Raelynn, as the last time I saw her she was very young, maybe 6 or 7. I also talked to Paul and Debby. Apparently young Mark is starting JV Football this fall. Kandi and Charlie where there, who I hadn't seen for most of the summer. I also saw Betty Erdman as well, always a pleasure.
Probably the best thing that happened during the wedding was that I received many compliments on my weight loss and how great I looked. I felt awesome and I accepted the compliments with grace and confidence. It made me feel that I'm on the right path.
We also celebrated Eric's birthday the day before at the rehearsal dinner. What was supposed to be 15-20 people turned out to be 30 instead. The food was stretched to meet the demand but nonetheless made it! Eric has now survived to the age of 28, and that(for Eric) is a feat in and of itself.
My next update should include my trip to the Buffalo Waterfront. I will definitely have photos and all you faithful readers can track its development with me. Until next time!
PS. Here's a picture of my Dad in his tux. Don't mind the crazed look, that's just years of fatherhood showing through.
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Up down turn around
Dad and I had the usual luck fishing last morning. That is to say, we didn't catch a thing. Except a 6 inch crayfish... It was still fun nonetheless. I'm going to do some research and find out the best times to go fishing and how to increase our odds at catching something(ANYTHING!).
Because we were going to Rochester that afternoon, I slept at my Dad's house. However I failed to bring my sleep-apnea machine and attempted to sleep without it. That worked out not at all. Either it was the light sky or the missing machine, or the constant intrusion, I got little if any sleep.
The trip to Rochester to pick up the tuxedo also seemed somewhat fruitless. My brother and I convinced my dad to go to a chinese restaurant because the tuxedos weren't ready yet. It was very delicious(what I could eat, which wasn't much). It turns out my tuxedo was indeed sent to Eastern Hills mall in Buffalo... not Rochester. Oish! I didn't have to be there. I'll be picking it up on Thursday with my nephew. And I'll be giving him a birthday present too, if he'll accept. Why the tuxedos you ask? My brother is getting married on August 2nd!
That's it for this lil update. Hopefully I'll post again before the shotgun wedding.
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Gone Fishin'
How convenient! So I was concerned about picking up my tuxedo on Monday. I have to drive to Rochester to pick it up- since Sunday is my day off(with Monday mornings), I was concerned about getting there and also getting to work at night, all the while getting enough sleep.
So Dad and I planned some time for fishing: Monday morning... and I mean crack of dawn morning. Turns out, he's going to pick up his tuxedo too! So I'll be able to go fishing, sleep for 6-7 hours at Dad's, and then go pick up the tuxedo, all in one fel swoop. Amazing how things tend to work out.
Now that the rain has passed, I've had some more days to walk. I took some pictures at the waterfront, but before I could get to the Naval Museum, my camera's batteries died. However, so long as the weather holds out Sunday morning, I'll be able to take those pictures this time around. I am also planning on seeing Dave as well. He's doing pretty good, but since our schedules are so different right now, I rarely get to talk much more than a few minutes. I'll keep you updated.
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