Ask ye shall receive...


Soon after my last post's plea, my sister handed me rent plus a bunch more extra. I was able to pick up a bunch of stuff for my diet. Things like the salad that doesn't turn into green slime in a couple days and a lot of fresh veggies. I've also decided to train myself to get used to feeling hungry too. So far so good.

In other news, work is going good. I found out that I did make bonus last month(the lowest tier, but bonus is bonus!). The situation isn't as dire as I thought- While I still do have call after call after call etc, it only lasts until 10pm or so. After that the calls drop down to nil. The past few days at work have given me hours without taking a single call.

That is until yesterday, which was some crazy fun. About an hour and a half into the day, all of phones died, with 80-some people waiting to call in! It was crazy. For about an hour, I sat around, waiting for something to do. My bosses discovered that the IP Phones(I guess they use a different system) worked fine, so they began moving us over to those phones. Then they realized that the phones downstairs(where the cable TV agents are) were also offline, so they started moving them up there too.

It was crazy. We had some people standing around waiting for agents to leave from their shifts so they could take the phone, we had our supervisors offering green time(authorized leave without pay) to those whose jobs had availability, and I was stuck taking calls like crazy and getting to hang around the cable tv agents. When my lunch finally rolled around, we were treated to some special Mexican dinner which wasn't bad. I stayed within my limit, and enjoyed it.

After that, I didn't take a single call. The availability hit, and since we fulfill an overflow position(meaning, if the agents who are supposed to be doing tier1 do not get any calls, then niether do we). It wasn't until 1am that they offered me green time and I took it. Though I wouldn't mind sitting around earning an extra hour of work without actually working, I felt today was weird enough and it was time to head home.

I read Goob's message and he has finally admitted his love for Erika. I still think he's crazy, and it does seem rather fast, but I wish him the best. She is currently married and that's soon to change, but I hope they don't do anything regrettable that could jeopardize the legal(as well as moral) side of the divorce. I'm only glad that they're happy. Good luck, Goob!

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