Demon Candy, Revisited


I decided to share my cultural exchange with my family on Easter. I'm such a nice guy! Few were brave enough to try the Turkish pepper, but those who did were rewarded.

This is my step brother's cousin. He was the first one to pop a Turkish pepper in his mouth. No reaction. He said they weren't bad, and he couldn't even taste the saltiness. What the hell?

Rest assured, my stepsister's reaction confirmed the potency of the Turkish pepper.

My brother was too chicken and only tried the Mentos-flavored candy.

My Dad as well decided to take the tame route and ate one of the marshmallow mushrooms. Pansy!

My stepsister decided the Turkish pepper wasn't torture enough so she tried the death's head candy. Hilarity ensued.

Not content to keep the suffering to herself, she shared the same candy with her father. The same spitting reaction occured!

So let it be a lesson to you all: Finnish candy is evil.

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